simple me

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


A fortunate meeting defined by fate and revealed by destiny
an enchanting moment beyond the realm of reason
cunningly disguised in direst circumstances
whose touch is visible only to poetic soulsIt chooses its own time and place
evermore pretentious of purpose,
Crossing its hollowed path is futile
even frustrating to willing victims
‘cause it doesn’t bend its will to ones’ desire

Teasing a consoled mind to go astray
that’s always a part of the plan;
Yet it likewise reassures us to hold on …
to believe in destiny
and to let fate guide us on our journey

We are all willing victims to its wicked ploy
battling confusion, doubt, love and pain
with a fragile sword
‘tis we hang on to a flicker of hope,
‘cause we believe in destiny
and so it is, that I find this to be
the best explanation why I believe in you…

Written by Saffiya